Here are some great gear suggestions for your upcoming trip!
Sniper Hog Lights
We are dedicated night time hunters and we will guarantee that no other company hunts at night as much as we do. All our products are built for us and used by us first before we will sell it. We will never sell a product that we don’t think is the best. What this means is you know your getting a product that works great for it’s intended purpose and is fully tested. We stand behind all our products and we guarantee you will not get better customer support or service then what we offer here at Sniper Hog Lights. We have been the leaders in night hunting lights since we began and we keep up with the newest LED’s and components so when you buy a light from us you know your getting the best and brightest night hunting light and this is why we have had several different models of our bow light and Rifle light because when we find something better we can build, we build it. We don’t make outlandish lumen claims or unrealistic distances you can see with our lights like most other companies. In fact in the 10’s of thousands of lights we have sold, we have never heard of someone say they can’t see the distances we claim and most say they can see a lot further. We measure all our lights with a light meter so there is no guess work involved on how far our lights shine. We list the Candela of all our lights because knowing the Candela is the only way to measure how far a light can shine and is the only real way you can compare two different lights to find out what one shines further. For example, if one light puts out 20,000 Candela and the other light puts out 30,000 Candela, the 30,000 Candela light will shine further and that’s a fact. We fully believe that most of our competitors wont list the Candela of their lights because they don’t want you to be able to compare their lights with ours because they know their lights will not shine as far. Typically what you will see them list is “Furthest shining light on the market” or “Brightest Light on the market” or they will just throw some yardages at you that are well beyond what the light is capable of. Our shop is located just outside of Victoria, Texas. I’m sorry but we don’t have a store front so no drop ins please. Visit for more information and our line up of lights.
3D Night Vision
This all started one afternoon while I was deer hunting. It was the middle of the rut, I was sitting in a ladder stand in a bottom, it had big hills on both sides, I had scent bombs everywhere. Then, right as it got dark and I was about to climb down, the woods came to life. And what sounded like herds of animals that were running down the hills on both sides, I could hear two bucks fighting; and it sounded like there were animals all around me and underneath me. That’s when it happened! I could not see a thing, it was too dark. I just sat there and kept listening to all these animals around me, trying to recognize different sounds, as to determine what type of animals they were. I turned on my flashlight and when I did, I saw white tails running away in every direction. I was so upset, that I had put all this time, money, and effort into this stand. I just wish I could have seen the animals that were there. When I got back to deer camp I got online and ordered a $500 night vision monocular. I was bound and determined that would never happen to me again! I received my monocular and could barely see or make out a deer at 20 yards and it was green tunnel vision with horrible quality and spots all over the place. I was not satisfied with this, so I went and purchased another unit for around $1000. It was much better than the $500 purchase. But I could only identify animals out to about 75 yards and the video quality was still the green tunnel vision. So I said “the heck with this, I’ll build my own and make it affordable with a good quality image.” And so it began… thousands of hours of research and $1000’s of dollars later, I had a big metal box filled with all kinds of miscellaneous items and weighed about 5lbs. I could now see 100+ yards and it was crystal clear. That’s when I knew I had something! I took what money we had and purchased a 3D printer. I then studied and taught myself 123d design, Autocad, and Autodesk Inventor. I started finding the correct parts I needed to make everything smaller and through a lot of building and tweaking units I settled on a design. Our Slip On Rifle units come with everything you need to turn your day scope into a night vision scope. Just slip it on your daytime rifle scope, tighten it down and do some minor focusing adjustments. It’s that simple. The unit has a 6 hour continuous run time on one charge. But we also sell an external battery that will give you an additional 12 hours of run time, so 18 hours continuous run time with both!. See more at!
Hot Horny Hog by Black Widow Deer Lures
One of the freshest Wild Hog Lure available! H-H-H will drive that Boar hogs nuts with the urge to breed. Hot Horny Hog is collected from a sow hogs in heat, and bottled fresh for unequalled Quality. Use anytime during the year since hogs breed all year.
Primos Wild Hog Grunt Call
Hog grunts are made by both boars and sows. The grunts of a wild hog sound very much like those of a domestic pig. Because of the wild hog’s strong pack instinct and its curious nature, they will often investigate the sounds of other hogs.

FoxPro Cs24C eCaller
Calling Wild Hogs is exciting and can turn a boring afternoon of sitting in a stand into a heart pounding hunt that will be remembered for years. If you want to give it a try we recommend the CS24C by FoxPro! The CS24C is a powerful and portable digital game call combining 24-bit audio, big sound, and FOXPRO’s exciting TX1000 remote control. Expanding on the original CS24B feature set, the CS24C incorporates FOXDATA, FOXMOTION, FOXCAST, FOXBANG, and a whole lot more!The CS24C comes with 100 high-quality FOXPRO sounds and is capable of storing up to 1,000 in total. It is powered by 10 AA batteries (click here to view the recommended rechargeable pack). Also featured with the CS24C is the TX1000 remote. The TX1000 features a full color graphic LCD screen which displays your sound list or sound categories, barometer, moon phase, temperature, battery level, a timer or time clock, and much more. On top of that, FOXCAST allows you to design up to 50 complete stands from start to finish by mapping out sounds, durations of the sounds being played, and volume level for a completely hands-free predator calling experience. FOXDATA allows you to record real time information from each and every stand so you can access the data for future reference. The CS24C is backed by a 5 year limited warranty and FOXPRO’s unmatched customer support and is proudly made in the USA.
Feature Highlights
- FOXBANG Automatically maps your caller to a predetermined setting after discharging your firearm. (See instruction manual for FOXBANG options.)
- FOXMOTION Mimic moving prey by fading sound from left speaker to right one.
- FOXDATA Activate FOXDATA and it records real time information (temp, barometer, moon phase, stand duration, shot time) from each stand. Over time you will be able to predict animal activity/hunting success based on hard data.
- FOXCAST Virtually hands-free calling with FOXCAST sequence files.
- AUTO VOLUME Automatically ramps up and modulates your volume.
1 | Power on/off switch |
2 | Pilot lamp/low battery indicator |
3 | Battery pouch |
4 | Auxiliary device jack |
5 | External speaker jack |